2024 Maltose Falcon's Mayfaire - Reset Password
To reset your password, enter the email address you used when you registered.

Judging Sessions
Main Judging Date @ Santa Monica Brew Works
04/13/2024 08:00, PDT.
Preliminary Round - Arts District Brewing (president@maltosefalcons.com)
04/10/2024 18:00, PDT.
Preliminary Round - Pacific Palisades (treasurer@maltosefalcons.com)
04/08/2024 19:00, PDT.
Preliminary Round - Simi Valley (rdexter@earthlink.net)
04/09/2024 19:00, PDT.
Preliminary Round - Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop (vicepresident@maltosefalcons.com)
04/11/2024 19:00, PDT.
Preliminary Round - Wild Parrot Brewing - Pasadena (drew@maltosefalcons.com)
04/08/2024 19:00, PDT.
Preliminary Round - Northridge - (Roger Taylor - rogvette@sbcglobal.net)
04/10/2024 18:00, PDT.
Preliminary Round - Thousand Oaks - webmaster@maltosefalcons.com)
04/07/2024 15:00, PDT.
Account Registration Closed
Entry Registration Closed
Entry Drop-Off Closed
Please pay attention to the notes provided for each drop-off location. There could be earlier deadlines for some drop-off locations listed, particular hours when entries are accepted, certain individuals to leave your entries with, etc. All entrants are responsible for reading the information provided by the organizers for each drop-off location.